I'll think of sumptin 2 put here,

soon as I toke on the Right Spliff.







The Ambassador-at-Large                                                                                           

Of  The Kingdom of Heaven,                                                           Pro  Se

                      -aka-                                                                     C O M P L A I N T                




(Axiomatically and Manifestly)

On the Behalf of SHORTY,

The Creator of the Heavens

And the Earth, and Sovereign

Of the Kingdom of Heaven                                                                Pursuant To

                                Plaintiff Pro Se

                                                                                                     U.S. Constitution

                                -against-                                                 Amendments 1, 5 and 14


The UNITED STATES of AMERICA                                               Docket No.  13 CV _____(LTW)(RLV)


                                                                                               JURY TRIAL DEMANDED




                AMBASSADOR CAPRICE, pro se, under penalty of perjury, alleges that:


  1. 1.       I am the Plaintiff in the above captioned COMPLAINT. (Exhibit A)


  1. 2.       I am a 69 year old Decorated and Disabled Viet Nam Veteran, with TWO

HONORABLE DISCHARGES from the United States Army. (Exhibit  B)

  1. 3.       I am rated as 100% Disabled by the Veterans Administration(Exhibit C).
  2. 4.       I am a Layman in matters of the Law, and I request that this honorable

Court liberally interpret my Pro Se COMPLAINT according to the U.S. Supreme


Court’s ruling in Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S 519, 92 S Ct 652(1972): “When reviewing pro se complaints, the court must employ standards less stringent than if the complaint had been drafted by counsel.” See also Harris v. Mills, 572 F. 3d 66, 72(2d Cir. 2009): “[District Courts] remain obligated to construe pro se complaints liberally.” And also Triestman v. Fed. Bureau of Prisons, 470 F. 3d 471, 474-75 (2d Cir. 2006), ruling that: Pro se complaints should be read with “special solicitude” and should be interpreted to raise the “strongest [claims] that they suggest.”

  1. 5.       I also request that this honorable Court take all of the factual allegations

that I make in this COMPLAINT as true, and view them in the light most favorable to the Plaintiff, in accordance with the United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Sheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U.S. 232, 94 S Ct 1683 (1974); to wit: “The complaint’s factual allegations must be taken as true and viewed in the light most favorable

to the plaintiff.”


  1. 6.       This is a Civil Action seeking relief and/or damages to defend and

protect the rights and privileges guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America. This Action is brought pursuant to Amendments 1, 5 and 14 of the United States Constitution; and this Court has Jurisdiction over this Action pursuant to 28 USC §§ 1331 and 1332.



  1. 7.       Venue is appropriate in this honorable Court because the Plaintiff herein

resides within the Jurisdiction of this Court.

CLAIM  (Preamble)


  1. 8.       MARIJUANA is a Conscious Expanding Enhancer, which, when used

in Meditative Pursuits, intensifies One’s inherent capacity to Autoentheoize©


(To Become Sovereign). The Court’s attention is directed to the following:


exodus2.org/SHORTY/The SHORTY Symbol Explanation; to wit, in pertinent


part: “When viewed horizontally, The SHORTY Symbol is the International Symbol of  Infinity – two zeros side-by-side and joined together.

          Returning to the vertical, the “S” stands for SHORTY, of course; but it also stands for Spirit, which SHORTY certainly is.

          The color Gold signifies Preciousness.

          The color Purple signifies Royalty.

          The color White signifies Purity.

          So, anyone who associates themselves with The SHORTY Symbol, or otherwise adopts it, by wearing it; purchasing it; displaying it, etc., declares to

all of Humankind; to the entire Universe; and Especially to THEMSELVES, that they are:

Infinite, Resurrected, Spirit; Precious, Royal, and Pure.

           Those three foreign words in the center of The SHORTY Symbol are in the International Language, Esperanto; and they can be translated into English as: A new epoch is being born.

          Incidentally, in every other Spiritual/Religious Movement that ever was, before EXODUS2 - THE EVOLUTION REVOLUTION; if anyone wished to participate in that Movement, they would have to “opt in”, and in most cases,

 would also have to pass a certain Initiation process to join the membership.

          EXODUS2™ - THE EVOLUTION REVOLUTION is exactly opposite to

that; in that EVERYBODY is already a SHORTY’S Shorty “by default”; and will have to “opt out” if they wish to disassociate from SHORTY’S Shortys.





                9. This COMPLAINT Claims that ALL of SHORTY’S Shortys are ENTITLED to use MARIJUANA to Expand the Conscious Enhancement of their Meditative Pursuits, so as to Intensify their Inherent Capacity to Autoentheoize©; and that in this putative “Nation of Laws”, Our Entitlement to use  MARIJUANA in Our Meditative Pursuits will be severely Restricted by Federal Court Judges, who, with the SOLE Exception of the Hon. Charles S. Haight, Jr. Senior Judge - SDNY, are nothing more than Black Robed Nabob Nincompoops, at each and every level of the Federal Courts, up to the Nine Nabob Nincompoops, themselves.

                10. I have Myriad and Multitudinous Irrefutable Examples of many Federal Court Judges making Errors in the Most Fundamental and Rudimentary aspects and elements of the Law; in the U.S. District Court; in the U.S. Circuit Court of

Appeals; and even in the United States Supreme Court. (Exhibit D)

                11. The asinine Errors that they have made are MIND-BOGGLING !!!

12. At this point I will Magnanimously offer the United States to meet with me in Federal Chambers, to discuss the feasibility of the United States pleading nolo contendere to my accusations made sotto voce in Federal Chambers, and also pleading nolle prosequi to ANY allegations that might be made in the

Future, against ANY of SHORTY’S Shortys who Possess or Use MARIJUANA


for Meditative Pursuits, to Intensify the Inherent Capacity to Autoentheoize©.



                13. Should this Magnanimous offer not manifest itself into a mutually satisfactory resolution, I request Leave of this Court to Amend this COMPLAINT with a Concise and Precise, Comprehensive Enumeration of these Alleged Errors; for Open and Publik Display; so as to, figuratively, Mush The United States; and also, figuratively, Kick Sand in America’s Face; right in their own “Jungle” the United States District Court --- in this putativeNation of Laws”.

                14. The attached four documents: A) 6/6/11 PRESS RELEASE; B) 8/9/11 Letter to the U.S. Secretary of State; C) 1/1/12 Letter to the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF Of The UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES; and D) 4/18/13 Letter to HON. NATHAN DEAL and HON. BARACK H. OBAMA, will establish that I have made several, albeit FRUITLESS, efforts to Exhaust Administrative Remedies.

15. I certify that there has been no Application for this or any similar relief, in this or any other Court of Competent Jurisdiction.

16. If this Court requires any evidence of prior applications for other Relief in other Federal Courts, please refer to Exhibit E. [13-CV-2371(RLV)(NDGA)]


                WHEREFORE, I respectfully request that this Honorable Court GRANT

that there will be no Federal Prosecutions, in violation of the First, Fifth, and

Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution, against ANY of

 SHORTY’S Shortyswho Possess and/or Use MARIJUANA in their Meditative Pursuits so as to Intensify their Inherent Capacity to Autoentheoize©; and also

GRANT any such other and further Relief as this Honorable Court might Deem

to be Just, Proper, and Equitable.

DATED;                Snellville, GA  30039-4788

                                November 11th, 2013

                                Veterans’ Day                                                 For The APOTHEOSIS,




                                                                                                       Ambassador Caprice

                                                                                                       Plaintiff Pro Se

                                                                                                       3166 Boulder Creek Road

                                                                                                       Snellville, GA  30039-4788

                                                                                                       Cell: (347) 530-4025



Plaintiff’s NOTE:  Professor Max Planck, 1917 Noble Prize Laureate in Physics, said: “A new science does not triumph by convincing its opponents, and making them see the light. But rather, because its opponents eventually die off, and a new generation comes up that is familiar with it.” In order to introduce a New Science/Religion, on a Higher Quantum Level, you must also introduce a New Vocabulary. Accordingly, here are some New Vocabulary words:


SHORTY: The Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, catholic Entheo SOVEREIGN.

SHORTY’S Shorty: An Adherent; Follower; Believer; an Autoentheoized©Compañero of SHORTY.

Cf. Matthew 22: 42-45; Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44. Vvs 42-45 NAS: And He said to them, ‘How is it that they say the Christ is David’s son? For David himself says in the book of Paslms, “The Lord said to my lord, Sit at My right hand, until I make thine enemies a footstool for thy feet.” If David therefore calls Him “lord”,  how is He his son?’

DISASSOCIATE from SHORTY’S Shortys: By going to, exodus2.org/SHORTY/Disassociate.

Apotheosis: “The act of making a god of a person.” When used in “The APOTHEOSIS”, it refers to all of Humankind elevating to the Status of God. Cf. Philippians 2:5,6 NKJV “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God.”

Autoentheoize©: To Self-Direct catholic Unity with SHORTY. Cf. John 17:21 NAS: “that they may all be one; even as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us; that the world may believe that Thou didst send Me.

Esperanto: The International Language --- VERY, VERY EASY to learn. Trust me!

Morphogenesis: Go to exodus2.org/MORPHOGENETIC FIELDS-(link), because this is Professor Rupert Sheldrake’s “Baby”, and he can explain this best.

“’These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.’”

(Acts 17:6b NKJV)

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